Make a Faceless Video

Video camera emoji and faceless icon with arrow in between

You’ve probably seen TikTokers say they earn thousands of dollars per video just by creating them with AI, without having to show their faces.

That can now be you! This guide explains how to do it.

How to Create a Faceless Video (for free)

Answer: The best free method to create a faceless video is to use SendShort: Select a story, then a narration voice, language, and the duration.

  1. Sign up for free on SendShort
  2. Click “Faceless Video
  3. Settings: story type, voice, language
  4. Click “Generate Story
Adjusting the settings for a Faceless Video made with SendShort

Wait ~70 seconds for the AI to generate your video.

When finished, you can open it and edit basically anything: captions, b-rolls, words in the actual story and so on! Here’s what that looks like:

Editing a faceless video's subtitles in SendShort
SendShort’s Faceless Video Editor

In this image, I was editing the appearance of the captions.

Notice an interesting button? It’s the “Auto-translate” button at the top, in the middle of the screen. This brings us to the next section of this guide…

Editing a Faceless Video

SendShort helps you edit faceless videos in any way you’ll ever need them.

The best part is that all of these edits take about 10 seconds each.

How to automatically translate a faceless video with AI
SendShort’s Auto-Translate Feature

Here are some of the things you can do with our faceless editor:

  1. Captions: Add, remove, or edit existing captions.
  2. Captions Style: Choose from +30 editing styles, fonts, and graphics.
  3. B-Rolls: Add those stock photos and videos based on what’s heard in the video.
  4. GIF, Images & Text: Add images, GIFs or text automatically on the screen.
  5. Audio: Upload your own music or SFX to the video.
  6. Auto-Translate: AI can automatically translate your faceless video’s text and audio to +10 languages.

Imagine how much content you can put out!

FAQ: Faceless Content

1. What is a Faceless Video?

Answer: A faceless video is a type of video content where the creator’s face is not shown on screen. Instead, the video focuses on voiceovers, screen recordings, animations, or visuals to convey the message.

2. Do faceless videos make money?

Answer: Yes, faceless videos can make money through ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing, just like videos with on-camera appearances.

Success depends on content quality, audience engagement, and niche relevance.

3. Who is the biggest faceless YouTuber?

Answer: Corpse Husband.

The biggest faceless YouTuber is Corpse Husband, known for his deep voice and horror storytelling content. His identity remains anonymous, contributing to his unique brand and massive following.

Thanks a lot for reading this,
David Ch
Head of the Editing Team at SendShort

About the author

David leads the editing team at SendShort. With this help, the team delivers the latest guides on using your favorite social media apps and creating short-form content.

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