You spending more time on creating = you growing faster + earning more $. Let us take care of the chores and the boring parts of the process. Here's how our service works:
1. Once shorts are created...
You create shorts, as usual, using the best tool on the market: SendShort.
Create the best versions you can, and the next step is where we come in
2. ... We upload them
You’ll stop wasting time on moving files around. We do that for you. Once we find shorts in your account, we’ll upload them for you on YouTube.
Bonus: $50/mo/platform: TikTok and Instagram too
3. You find them in your account
It’s up to you: we either set them live for you OR we leave them as drafts. Regardless, you’ll find them in your account, ready for action.
Boom. Time saved! (Time in which you can create more… or just enjoy your time off!)
BONUS: full automation?
(For even busier creators)
On our higher plans, we'll also create shorts for you. You simply let us know your posting schedule - shorts are 100% automated.
What's the price of having more time?
Think about it: what's the price of having fewer headaches? Less to-do's? Fewer busywork tasks?
How much more could you make, if you weren't busy doing chores?
Got a feature you need? Want to contribute to our product and the next feature we'll be building?
Or simply vote so that we build your desired feature faster? Check out our Roadmap here: vote, add suggestions, comment — your feedback is very valuable to us!