Article last updated on:
August 14, 2024

This article leaks 15 of the best video-openers for Instagram Reels.

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[TOP 15] Hooks for Instagram Reels

The Best Hook: For whatever the reason, right now the “I just realised if you swipe left…” is the #1 hook for IG Reels.

But this won’t hold on forever — let’s see the other 14.

1. “Swipe Left…”

This hook entices viewers to engage by teasing additional content, encouraging them to interact with your post by swiping.

Increases engagement through interaction.Requires high-quality follow-up content to maintain interest.
Great for multi-image or multi-video posts.Can frustrate users if the content doesn’t deliver.
Creates curiosity and anticipation.May not work well with single-image posts.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “There’s More, Swipe Left…”
  • “Don’t Miss the Full Story, Swipe Left…”
  • “Swipe to Reveal the Surprise…”
  • “The Best Part is Just a Swipe Away…”
  • “You’ll Want to See This, Swipe Left…”

4. “You need to see this Before…”

This hook creates urgency by tying the content to a specific event or time, encouraging viewers to engage immediately.

Creates urgency and FOMO.Needs to be relevant to a time-sensitive event or trend.
Great for event-related or timely content.Can feel forced if not genuinely urgent.
Drives immediate engagement.Might not work for evergreen content.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Before You Miss Out, Watch This…”
  • “See This Before [Event/Time]…”
  • “Don’t Miss This Before [Event/Time]…”
  • “This Is Essential Before [Event/Time]…”
  • “Act Now Before [Event/Time] Ends…”

3. “Guess What This Is…”

This hook engages viewers by challenging them to guess or predict what’s shown, sparking curiosity and interaction.

Encourages comments and engagement.Needs an interesting or unique subject to work well.
Great for mysterious or abstract images.Can be frustrating if the answer isn’t clear.
Increases interaction with the post.Might not work for straightforward content.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Can You Guess What This Is?”
  • “What Do You Think This Could Be?”
  • “Take a Guess…”
  • “Guess Before You Swipe…”
  • “Think You Know What This Is?”

4. “The Secret to [Action/Success] Is…”

This hook promises valuable insight or a tip, drawing viewers in who are eager to learn or improve.

Appeals to viewers seeking advice or tips.Needs to deliver genuinely valuable information.
Great for educational or how-to content.Can feel overused if not done creatively.
Encourages full post engagement.May require more in-depth content.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Here’s How You Can [Action/Success]…”
  • “The Key to [Action/Success] Is…”
  • “This Is How to [Action/Success]…”
  • “Want to [Action/Success]? Here’s How…”
  • “Unlock the Secret to [Action/Success]…”

5. “You Won’t Believe What Happened…”

This hook creates intrigue by teasing an unbelievable or shocking event, encouraging viewers to check out the post.

Instantly grabs attention.Can come off as clickbait if not delivered well.
Great for surprising or dramatic content.Needs a strong reveal to satisfy viewers.
Universal appeal across various topics.Overuse can diminish impact.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “This Will Shock You…”
  • “Unbelievable, But True…”
  • “You Have to See This to Believe It…”
  • “Something Crazy Happened…”
  • “This Is Too Wild to Miss…”

6. “Don’t walk, RUN…”

This hook creates a sense of urgency, making viewers feel like they need to see the content before it’s too late.

Creates urgency and FOMO.Can feel overhyped if content doesn’t deliver.
Drives immediate engagement.Needs to be paired with time-sensitive or special content.
Works across many types of posts.Can lose effectiveness if overused.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Don’t Miss This…”
  • “Catch This Before It’s Gone…”
  • “You Can’t Afford to Miss This…”
  • “See This Before It’s Too Late…”
  • “Hurry, This Won’t Last Long…”

7. “Transform Your [X] with This Simple Tip…”

This hook promises a transformation or improvement, drawing viewers in who want to enhance something in their lives.

Appeals to viewers looking for practical advice.Needs to deliver a genuinely effective tip.
Works well with lifestyle, beauty, or fitness content.Can feel generic if not done creatively.
Encourages full post engagement.Might not apply to all content types.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Upgrade Your [X] with This Easy Trick…”
  • “Here’s How to Improve Your [X] Instantly…”
  • “Make Your [X] Better with This Tip…”
  • “One Simple Tip to Enhance Your [X]…”
  • “Boost Your [X] with This Quick Tip…”

8. “Here’s What No One Tells You About…”

This hook teases insider information or little-known facts, attracting viewers interested in learning something new.

Appeals to curiosity and exclusive knowledge.Needs to offer genuinely unique or valuable information.
Great for educational or niche content.Can feel like clickbait if not delivered well.
Engages viewers with a promise of insight.Overuse can lessen its impact.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “What They Don’t Tell You About [X]…”
  • “The Untold Truth About [X]…”
  • “Here’s What You Didn’t Know About [X]…”
  • “Insider Info About [X]…”
  • “What Most People Don’t Know About [X]…”

9. “This Is How [Successful Person] Does It…”

This hook leverages the credibility of a successful person or brand, enticing viewers to learn from the best.

Builds trust by referencing a credible source.Needs a strong, recognizable figure to be effective.
Appeals to viewers seeking success tips.Can feel unoriginal if overused.
Great for business, lifestyle, or self-improvement content.May not resonate with all audiences.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “How [Famous Person] Achieved [Success]…”
  • “The [Successful Person] Way to [Action]…”
  • “Learn From [Successful Person]…”
  • “This Is the Secret Behind [Successful Person]’s Success…”
  • “How [Successful Person] Approaches [Topic]…”

10. “If You Love [X], You’ll Love This…”

This hook appeals to fans of a particular topic, suggesting they’ll enjoy the content based on their existing interests.

Directly targets a specific audience.Can feel too niche if the audience is small.
Creates a sense of relevance and connection.Needs to match the audience’s interests closely.
Encourages viewers to stay engaged.May not appeal to a broader audience.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Fans of [X], This Is for You…”
  • “If You’re Into [X], Check This Out…”
  • “This Is Perfect for [X] Lovers…”
  • “You’ll Enjoy This If You Like [X]…”
  • “For Anyone Who Loves [X]…”

11. “Here’s a Quick Way to [Action]…”

This hook promises efficiency or a shortcut, appealing to viewers who want fast results or solutions.

Appeals to viewers seeking quick solutions.Needs to deliver on the promise of speed or efficiency.
Great for how-to and tutorial content.Can feel oversimplified for complex topics.
Easy to apply across different niches.Might not work for more in-depth content.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Speed Up Your [Action] with This Tip…”
  • “Get [Result] Faster with This Trick…”
  • “Here’s How to [Action] in No Time…”
  • “A Quick Fix for [Problem]…”
  • “This Hack Will Save You Time…”

12. “Here’s What You Need to Know About [X]”

This hook promises essential information, drawing in viewers who want to stay informed or learn more about a topic.

Appeals to viewers looking for key insights.Needs to offer genuinely important information.
Great for news, educational, or how-to content.Can feel too formal if not done creatively.
Encourages full post engagement.Might not apply to all content types.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “What You Need to Know About [X]…”
  • “The Facts About [X]…”
  • “Here’s the Lowdown on [X]…”
  • “What Everyone Should Know About [X]…”
  • “Essential Info About [X]…”

13. “See what happens next…”

This hook teases a story or event, enticing viewers to stay engaged to see the outcome.

Builds suspense and anticipation.Needs a strong payoff to satisfy viewers.
Great for storytelling or sequential content.Can feel slow-paced if not done well.
Encourages viewers to watch the entire post.Might not work for quick, punchy content.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Watch until the end…”
  • “See What Happens Next…”
  • “You Won’t Believe How This Ends…”
  • “Stay Tuned to Watch This Play Out…”
  • “This Story Takes an Unexpected Turn…”
  • “Watch Until the End to See This…”

14. “This Will Change Your Mind About [X]”

This hook promises a perspective shift or new insight, attracting viewers who are open to changing their views.

Appeals to viewers seeking new perspectives.Needs to offer a compelling argument or insight.
Great for thought-provoking content.Can feel confrontational if not framed well.
Engages viewers with the promise of change.Might not resonate with all viewers.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “You’ll Think Differently About [X] After This…”
  • “Here’s Why [X] Is Not What You Think…”
  • “This Will Make You Rethink [X]…”
  • “You’ve Been Thinking About [X] All Wrong…”
  • “Get Ready to Change Your View on [X]…”

15. “Here’s Why [X] Matters…”

This hook emphasizes the importance of a topic, attracting viewers who want to understand its significance.

Appeals to viewers seeking meaning or relevance.Needs to justify the importance clearly.
Great for educational or advocacy content.Can feel preachy if not done thoughtfully.
Encourages viewers to engage with the topic.Might not resonate with all audiences.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Why [X] Is More Important Than You Think…”
  • “The Importance of [X]…”
  • “Here’s Why You Should Care About [X]…”
  • “Why [X] Deserves Your Attention…”
  • “This Is Why [X] Matters…”


1. What is a hook in Instagram Reels?

Answer: A hook in Instagram Reels is the initial few seconds of your video, designed to grab viewers’ attention immediately.

For example, starting with a bold statement, an eye-catching visual, or an intriguing question can serve as an effective hook, encouraging viewers to keep watching.

2. What is a viral hook on Instagram?

A viral hook on Instagram is starting a video with “You won’t believe what happened next”.

  • A great alternative is a visual element like a quick zoom-in on something surprising.
  • These techniques pique curiosity, making viewers want to stick around to see more.

3. What is the hook strategy on Instagram?

Answer: The hook strategy on Instagram is about capturing attention within the first few seconds of your content to increase viewer engagement.

This can be done by using intriguing questions, bold statements, quick action shots, or surprising visuals to make viewers curious and keep them watching.

Thanks a lot for reading this,
David Ch
Head of the Editing Team at SendShort

About the author

David leads the editing team at SendShort. With this help, the team delivers the latest guides on using your favorite social media apps and creating short-form content.