Article last updated on:
July 18, 2024

As a content creator on YouTube, keeping your audience engaged should always be your top priority. Thanks to technology advancements and Artificial Intelligence (AI), you can now take this engagement a step further by adding captions to your videos. In today’s article, we will dive deep into the world of YouTube captions and highlight some of the best AI-powered caption apps available on the market.

Why Should You Use Captions on YouTube Videos?

The use of captions or subtitles is not just for non-English speaking audiences or for those who are hearing impaired; it serves as an additional tool that helps enhance the viewing experience for all types of viewers. Here are a few benefits:


  • Accessibility: Adding captions ensures that people with hearing impairment can fully enjoy your video content, thus expanding your potential audience reach.

  • Multilingual audiences: Subtitles make it easy for people who speak different languages to follow your content more effectively and easily understand what is being discussed in the video.

  • Silent mode watchers: Many users tend to watch videos with the sound turned off, especially in public spaces. By including captions, you cater to their needs and ensure they do not miss critical information.

  • SEO advantage: YouTube indexes closed captions, which means if your video is well-captioned and includes targeted keywords, your SEO ranking could increase. This ultimately translates to better visibility and more traffic to your channel.

Top AI-Powered Caption Apps for YouTube

There is no shortage of apps that can help generate subtitles for your YouTube videos; however, we have curated a list of the best AI-powered caption app options available to save you the time and effort of research. These apps are highly efficient, accurate, and user-friendly, ensuring a seamless video-captioning experience.

1. Veed

Veed offers robust and fully automated subtitling services that take your YouTube content to the next level. This simple yet powerful caption tool uses AI algorithms for high precision transcriptions that either generate subtitles automatically or allow manual editing if required. Here’s why Veed can be a go-to option for many:


  • User-friendliness: Veed’s interface is clean and straightforward, making it ideal for beginners who aren’t familiar with video-editing software.

  • Edit subtitle text: Apart from generating subtitles, Veed allows users to edit the generated captions as needed or import their own SRT file to sync with the video manually.

  • Customization: Adjust font size, color, and style to match your brand identity and ensure your video’s consistent look.

  • Multiple language support: With a wide range of languages supported by Veed, you can expand your reach to non-English speaking audiences, too.

2. SendShort

Headliner has earned its reputation as a reliable caption app by focusing on simplicity and ease of use. Its intuitive interface enables users to add engaging and creative captions to their videos seamlessly. Here’s what makes SendShort stand out:


  • Automatic transcription: The AI-driven automatic transcription feature generates captions based on your uploaded video in a matter of minutes.

  • Editing tools: Tweak generated captions to your satisfaction thanks to SendShort’s user-friendly editing tools that ensure 100% accuracy.

  • Output formats: SendShort supports multiple output formats, allowing you to repurpose your content for various social media channels, not just YouTube.

  • Pricing: SendShort offers a free plan as well as affordable pricing plans, making it an excellent choice for creators who are budget-conscious or just getting started.

3. Kapwing Subtitle Maker

Kapwing is an easy-to-use subtitle maker boasting a user-friendly interface and multiple editing tools that even first-time users can handle without any trouble. Here’s why many creators rave about Kapwing:


  • Edit and customize captions: With the flexibility it offers, creators can personalize their video captions by changing the font color, style, and size.

  • Multilingual support: Take advantage of its language detection feature to generate subtitles in several languages, enabling your content to cross language barriers.

  • Collaboration: Kapwing provides team accounts, allowing collaborators to work simultaneously on captioning projects.

  • Fixed layout mode: Maintain uniformity throughout your videos with a fixed caption position while preventing text overlap during scenes with existing text.

4. Happy Scribe Auto-subtitles

Happy Scribe has earned its place among top caption apps due to its comprehensive automatic subtitling features tailored to fit YouTube creator needs. It uses AI-powered transcription software, ensuring accurate captions within just minutes. Notable Happy Scribe benefits include:


  • Batch subtitling: Save time and effort by uploading multiple videos at once and generate subtitles for all simultaneously.

  • Customization: Brand your YouTube videos with customized captions, adjusting the font, size, background, and color according to your preference.

  • Edit or review generated captions: The editing interface allows you to review the automatically generated captions and make necessary adjustments before exporting them as an SRT or VTT file.

  • Over 119 supported languages: Happy Scribe supports a vast array of languages, ensuring your content is accessible to viewers worldwide.

Making the Right Choice for Your Captioning Needs

With numerous AI-caption apps available, the choice ultimately boils down to your personal requirements, budget constraints, and unique creator tastes. While some options may provide more features, we recommend trying out various caption generators mentioned in this article.

Through trial-and-error, you can quickly identify which tool matches your needs and workflow based on factors such as ease of use, accuracy, design options, and pricing. Don’t forget that embracing accessibility, multilingual capabilities, and engaging captions will help expand your audience reach and connect with viewers even more effectively.

About the author

Daniel is the head of our research and statistics team. With Daniel's help, our team keeps up with the latest stats and financials for your favourite social media company.