Article last updated on:
August 06, 2024

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5 Best: Hooks for YouTube Shorts

Currently, these are the best hooks that get attention on YouTube Shorts: “Did you know?”, “Top 5 […]”, How to […] in [short time]”, and “Watch this before […]”.

Hook #1: Did you know that…?

This hook grabs attention by sharing fascinating and little-known facts, making viewers eager to learn something new and interesting.

Example: This simple video with an interesting fact about GTA V and got over 6M views — just by using the “Did you know…” question.

Engages curiosity immediately.Requires interesting and accurate facts.
Great for sharing fun facts or lesser-known information.May not fit all content types.
Appeals to a wide audience.Can become repetitive if overused.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Bet You Didn’t Know…”
  • “Surprising Facts About…”
  • “Here’s Something You Didn’t Know…”
  • “Unbelievable Truths About…”
  • “Little-Known Secrets of…”

Hook #2: “Top 5 [Topic]”

This hook quickly draws viewers in by promising a concise, interesting list that’s easy to follow and full of valuable insights.

Example: This little video hooks people with “TOP 5 facts you didn’t know about…”, which makes it very intriguing.

Clear structure that viewers understand.Needs thorough research to be credible.
Keeps viewers engaged to see the full list.Can feel clickbait-y if the content doesn’t deliver.
Easy to adapt to various subjects.May require more editing work.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Best 5 [Topic] Ever!”
  • “5 Must-See [Topic]”
  • “Top 5 Reasons Why…”
  • “5 [Topic] You Didn’t Know About”
  • “5 Shocking [Topic]”

Hook #3: “How to [Action] in [Short Time]”

This hook promises quick and practical solutions, appealing to viewers who want to learn how to do something efficiently.

Example: This guy jumps into the subject super quickly — he just says “how to do this … let’s go”. Great hook with bonus points for going straight to the point.

Directly addresses viewer needs.Requires concise and clear instructions.
Sets clear expectations for content length.Might not fit all content types.
Appeals to those looking for quick solutions.High competition in tutorial space.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Quick Guide to [Action]”
  • “Easy Way to [Action] Fast”
  • “Learn to [Action] in Minutes”
  • “Fast Tips for [Action]”
  • “Simple Steps to [Action] Quickly”

Hook #4: “Watch This Before You [Action]”

This hook creates a sense of urgency by suggesting that viewers need important information before taking an action.

Example: Doesn’t start with “Watch this”, but rather with “Before you…”, which is also a great alternative.

Creates a sense of urgency.Needs to deliver valuable content to avoid disappointment.
Engages viewers who are interested in the action.Might feel like clickbait if overused.
Can build trust by providing helpful advice.Requires a clear understanding of viewer interests.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “Don’t [Action] Until You See This!”
  • “Important Tips Before You [Action]”
  • “Must-Know Info Before You [Action]”
  • “Essential Advice for [Action]”
  • “Avoid These Mistakes When You [Action]”

Hook #5: “Before and After”

This hook captivates viewers by showcasing dramatic transformations, encouraging them to watch through to see the full change.

Example: Constantly shows old and new logos — very similar to the ‘before and after ‘style.

Visually engaging and satisfying.Requires significant effort for impactful transformations.
Appeals to curiosity and anticipation.Might not fit all content types.
Easy to replicate across different subjects.Can be time-consuming to produce.

5 Similar Variations:

  • “See the Transformation”
  • “Amazing Before and After”
  • “Watch the Change”
  • “From Start to Finish”
  • “Unbelievable Transformations”

AI List: How to Hook on YouTube Shorts

Hooking viewers on YouTube Shorts is all about grabbing attention quickly and keeping it. The most common question we get about it is…

“How to hook on YouTube Shorts?”

Here’s this ChatGPT-made list on how to hook YT-Shorts viewers:

  1. Strong Start: Begin with an eye-catching visual or intriguing statement in the first few seconds.
  2. Keep it Short: While Shorts can be up to 60 seconds, shorter is often better. Aim for 15-30 seconds.
  3. Use Trends: Leverage current trends, challenges, or popular sounds to increase visibility.
  4. Engaging Thumbnails: Though not as crucial as for longer videos, an engaging thumbnail can still help.
  5. Captions and Text: Use on-screen text to emphasize key points and keep viewers engaged.
  6. Fast-Paced Editing: Quick cuts and dynamic editing keep the content engaging.
  7. Unique Angle: Offer a unique perspective or twist on familiar content.
  8. Call to Action: End with a call to action, like asking viewers to like, comment, or subscribe.

We really hope you found all of this helpful!


This video just studied the most relevant hooks for YouTube Shorts. Try them out yourself and see which one resonates best with your audience.

As always, make sure to A/B test on YouTube to see which hook is best perceived by your viewers.

Thanks a lot for reading this,
David Ch
Head of the Editing Team at SendShort

About the author

David leads the editing team at SendShort. With this help, the team delivers the latest guides on using your favorite social media apps and creating short-form content.