Article last updated on:
July 18, 2024

In today’s world of technology and social media, content goes viral quicker than ever. But what exactly defines a video as being “viral”? This is a question creators and audiences alike often wonder about. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, various factors come into play, such as views, engagement, and timeframe.

The Significance of View Counts

One of the most significant benchmarks in determining whether a video has gone viral is its view count. However, simply obtaining a large number of views does not guarantee virality. A truly viral video is characterized by rapid and exponential growth in views within a short period, typically a week or less.

Millions Within a Week

In general, reaching millions of views within the first week can be considered a strong indicator of virality. According to industry experts, a video that gains more than 5 million views within three to seven days classifies as a viral hit. Some argue that even a million views in this timeframe can qualify, depending on the impact and public response generated by the content.

The Role of Engagement

View counts alone are not the sole factor contributing to virality, as they don’t accurately measure the intensity of the audience’s reaction. User engagement, including likes, comments, and shares, gives a clearer picture of how well a video resonates with its viewers. In other words, interaction and conversations around the video are vital for assessing its viral potential.

The Power of Shares

Shares are particularly effective in gauging a video’s virality as they indicate a user’s endorsement of the content. When people willingly share a video with their network, they vouch for its entertainment or informational value. This further drives its growth in views and engagement. A high number of shares within a short period signify that the video has struck a chord with its audience and has the potential to go viral.

Cultural Relevance and Impact

In addition to view counts and engagement metrics, another crucial aspect of virality is the degree to which a video influences culture, trends, or current events. Videos often become truly viral when they spark discussions, generate memes, inspire spin-offs, or prompt widespread media coverage.

Shaping Social Media Trends

Many viral videos become so popular that they lead to social media challenges or ripples in pop culture. When a video successfully impacts these spheres, it achieves a new level of virality, spreading far beyond its initial reach. Examples include dance challenges, funny skits, or even world-record attempts inspired by viral content.

The Subject Matter’s Role in Virality

A key element that contributes to a video’s virality is its subject matter. Certain categories of content have a higher chance of going viral due to their innate appeal, emotion-stirring nature, or ability to resonate with large audiences.


  1. Humor: Funny videos are prime candidates for virality as everyone enjoys a good laugh. Sharing something humorous can evoke positive emotions and strengthen social bonds, making it more likely for users to spread the content.

  3. Emotion: Videos that tug at people’s heartstrings or provoke strong reactions also have high chances of going viral. Empathy-inducing clips often gain traction because they encourage viewers to connect with others emotionally.

  5. Awe: Content that features impressive feats, visually stunning displays, or seemingly impossible acts can spark wonder and curiosity, compelling viewers to watch and share the video.

  7. Relatability: Videos that tackle universal struggles or appeal to common experiences are well-poised for virality. When people resonate with such content, they’re more inclined to share it with others who face similar situations.

Virality is Relative

It’s important to note that virality can be relative based on factors specific to an individual video, creator, or community. A small-scale viral hit in a niche community may still indicate significant impact within that group, even if it doesn’t match up to broader definitions of virality.

SendShort has helped thousands of users go viral with the help of its tool. The content generated by our solution meets the codes of virality, giving you the assurance of quality content to post on your social networks.

Measure Success Against Individual Goals

Creators should assess video performance by comparing it to their own set goals and objectives rather than solely aiming for widespread virality. For some, reaching a target demographic or achieving certain engagement metrics is a greater indicator of success.

Final Thoughts

Determining when a video has gone viral involves considering view counts, audience engagement, cultural relevance, and subject matter. Although there is no definitive threshold for virality, understanding these factors can help creators better measure the impact of their content and develop strategies to enhance its reach and appeal.

About the author

Daniel is the head of our research and statistics team. With Daniel's help, our team keeps up with the latest stats and financials for your favourite social media company.